Jesus Questions - Week 3

In today's message, we'll delve into the profound question posed by God to Adam in Genesis 3:9, "Where are you?" This question, seemingly simple, encapsulates the human condition and our eternal search for meaning and purpose.

The Significance of "Where Are You?"

  • Lostness and Foundness: This question speaks to the human experience of being lost, disconnected, and searching for meaning. It's a call to return to the path of righteousness and reconnect with God.

  • Spiritual, Emotional, and Physical Dimensions: The question "Where are you?" encompasses not just physical location but also spiritual and emotional well-being.

  • God's Persistent Love: God's question to Adam reflects His unwavering love and desire to find His lost children, even when we wander far astray.

The Prodigal Son: A Parable of Lostness and Foundness

The parable of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32) beautifully illustrates the concept of lostness and foundness. The younger son's journey away from his father mirrors our own spiritual journeys. Just as the father in the parable yearned for his son's return, God longs for us to come back to Him.

Practical Applications

  • Self-reflection: Ask yourself, "Where am I in my spiritual journey?" Are you lost, found, or somewhere in between?

  • Seek God's Presence: Actively seek God's presence through prayer, Bible study, and worship.

  • Share your story: Encourage others who may be feeling lost to seek God's guidance and love.

  • Support those who are lost: Be a beacon of hope and compassion for those who may be struggling spiritually.

The question "Where are you?" is a timeless reminder of our need for God and His unwavering love. By seeking Him and returning to His path, we can find true meaning, purpose, and fulfillment in our lives.

Scripture Reference
Matthew 18:12

Isaiah 53:6


Favor - Celebrate It


Jesus Questions - Week 2