Favor - Celebrate It

In our modern world, celebration often conjures images of parties, laughter, and temporary joy. However, biblical celebration runs deeper than surface-level festivities. It’s a profound act of remembrance, reconnection, rejoicing, and recommitment.

What are we celebrating?

The favor of God. His unmerited grace, his loving kindness, and his unwavering presence in our lives. This isn't something to be taken lightly; it's a cause for profound gratitude and celebration.

The Seven Feasts: A Celebration of God's Favor

While we, as Gentiles, are not under the law to observe these Jewish festivals, they offer valuable insights into the nature of God's favor. Each feast symbolizes a different aspect of God's grace and redemption.

  • Passover: Freedom from slavery, the Lamb of God, redemption

  • Unleavened Bread: Sanctification, separation from sin

  • Firstfruits: Resurrection, new life in Christ

  • Pentecost: The Holy Spirit, empowerment and guidance

  • Trumpets: Anticipation and preparation for God's return

  • Atonement: Forgiveness and reconciliation

  • Tabernacles: Rest and dwelling in God's presence

Celebrating God's Favor Today

While we may not participate in the specific rituals of the Jewish feasts, we can still celebrate the favor of God in our lives. Here are some ways to do so:

  • Express gratitude: Take time each day to thank God for His blessings.

  • Worship: Engage in worshipful activities that help you connect with God.

  • Serve others: Show love and compassion to those around you.

  • Study the Word: Learn more about God's character and His love for you.

  • Gather with believers: Fellowship with other Christians who can encourage and support you.

Celebrating the favor of God is not just about having a good time; it's about recognizing the incredible gift of God's love and responding with gratitude and worship. Let us embrace the opportunity to celebrate the favor of God in our lives and share His love with others.

Scripture Reference
Philippians 4:4-7

Leviticus 23


Favor - Embrace It


Jesus Questions - Week 3