Favor - Embrace It

The Embrace of Favor

When we embrace something with our arms, we hold it tightly, excluding everything else. The image of a loving embrace evokes feelings of warmth, security, and belonging. In this sermon, we explore the concept of embracing God's favor, a gift that is often unexpected, unwanted, and undeserved.

Unexpected Favor

God's favor often surprises us. It comes when we least expect it, in ways we never anticipated. Like the prodigal son in Luke 15, we may find ourselves lost and alone, only to be met with the unexpected embrace of our Father's love.

Unwanted Favor

Sometimes, we may feel unworthy of God's favor. We may be tempted to believe that our sins or shortcomings disqualify us from receiving His blessings. However, the parable of the prodigal son reminds us that God's love is unconditional. He welcomes us back with open arms, no matter how far we have strayed.

Undeserved Favor

Perhaps the most remarkable aspect of God's favor is that it is undeserved. We cannot earn it through our own efforts or merit. It is a gift freely given by a loving Father. As Paul writes in Romans 12:9, we are called to "cling to what is good," and God's favor is the ultimate good.

Embracing God's Favor

Embracing God's favor means recognizing His love for us, even when we feel unworthy. It means trusting in His promises and believing that He has good plans for our lives. It means choosing to focus on the positive aspects of our circumstances, even when things are difficult.

God's favor is a precious gift that we should embrace with gratitude and joy. It is a source of strength, hope, and peace. Let us strive to live in a way that reflects our appreciation for God's favor and invites others to experience His love as well.

Scripture Reference
Romans 12:9

Luke 15:11-24


Favor - Generate It


Favor - Celebrate It