Jesus Questions - Week 2

In our previous post, we explored the significance of questions in the life of Jesus and their role in spiritual growth. Today, we'll delve deeper into the story of the woman with the issue of bleeding, examining the power of faith and the importance of acknowledging our need.

The Woman with the Issue of Bleeding

The story of the woman with the issue of bleeding in Mark 5:21-43 provides a powerful illustration of the transformative power of faith. Despite her physical condition and societal stigma, she persevered, believing that simply touching Jesus' garment would heal her.

Key takeaways from this story:

  • The power of faith: Even in the face of overwhelming obstacles, faith can lead to miraculous healing.

  • The importance of perseverance: The woman's persistence and determination to seek healing were instrumental in her recovery.

  • The humility of Jesus: Jesus' willingness to engage with people from all walks of life, regardless of their social status or physical condition, is a testament to his compassion and love.

Application to Our Lives

  • Embrace faith: Cultivate a deep faith in God, believing in His power to heal and transform.

  • Persevere in prayer: Never give up on seeking God's help, even in the face of challenges.

  • Show compassion: Be mindful of the needs and struggles of others, and offer them support and encouragement.

The story of the woman with the issue of bleeding reminds us of the incredible power of faith and the transformative nature of Jesus' love. By embracing these principles, we can experience healing, restoration, and spiritual growth in our own lives.

Scripture References

Matthew 14:34-35


Jesus Questions - Week 3


Jesus Questions - Week 1