Jesus Questions - Week 1

In the Gospels, Jesus is renowned for his masterful use of questions. He employed questions to teach, challenge, and guide his disciples. This week, we'll delve into the significance of questions in the biblical context and how they can enrich our own spiritual journeys.

The Questioning Tradition

The Jewish tradition places great value on questioning. It's seen as a way to foster critical thinking, intellectual growth, and a deeper understanding of the Torah. This tradition is exemplified in the Passover Seder, where children are encouraged to ask the four questions.

Jesus' Questioning Technique

Jesus used questions to provoke thought, challenge assumptions, and draw out deeper truths. His questions often served as catalysts for spiritual growth and transformation.

The Power of Questions

  • Self-discovery: Questions can help us explore our own beliefs, values, and motivations.

  • Spiritual growth: Engaging with challenging questions can deepen our understanding of God and His Word.

  • Community building: Asking questions can foster meaningful conversations and connections with others.

  • Problem-solving: Questions can help us identify and address challenges more effectively.

Encouraging Questions in Your Life

  • Create a question journal: Write down questions you have about faith, life, or the world around you.

  • Join a discussion group: Participate in Bible studies or other groups where you can discuss questions with others.

  • Seek guidance from a mentor or pastor: Seek spiritual guidance and support to help you explore your questions.

Questions are not a sign of weakness but rather a testament to our desire to learn, grow, and deepen our relationship with God. By embracing a questioning spirit, we can embark on a richer and more meaningful spiritual journey.

Scripture Reference:
Exodus 13:14

Deut. 6:20-21


Jesus Questions - Week 2