Taking Shape - Cracked Pots

In this blog post, we'll explore the profound image of God as the Potter shaping us as clay. This imagery is central to understanding our role in His divine plan. Just as a potter molds and shapes clay into a vessel, God is shaping us for His purposes.

The Potter's Wheel of Life

Life's challenges and circumstances are like the potter's wheel, constantly turning and shaping us. God uses these experiences to refine and mold us into the people He intends us to be.

Three Clay Pots

God is shaping three interconnected clay pots:

  1. Individual (Family): God is shaping each of us as individuals and within our families.

  2. Local Church: God is shaping the local church as a community of believers.

  3. Global Church: God is shaping the global church as a collective body of believers.

Why is He Shaping Us?

God is shaping us for divine purpose. He has created us with a unique purpose and is molding us to fulfill that purpose. He is also shaping us to be like Jesus, reflecting His love, grace, and character.

The Holy Spirit: The DNA of the Clay

The Holy Spirit is the DNA of the clay, shaping our character and molding us into the image of Christ. The fruit of the Spirit—love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control—is the shape of the clay.

Becoming a Watertight Container

We are called to be watertight containers, holding the Holy Spirit and pouring out His love into the world. Like a vessel, we are meant to be filled with God's Spirit and used for His purposes.

The Value of What's Inside

Our worth and value are not determined by our external appearance or status, but by what's inside us. It's not about being fancy or wealthy, but about being filled with the Holy Spirit and living for God's glory.

The Importance of Sanctification

Sanctification is the process of repairing the cracks in our lives and becoming more like Christ. It involves prayer, submission to God's will, and allowing Him to work on our hearts.

As we submit to God's shaping and allow the Holy Spirit to work within us, we can become vessels of honor, filled with His love and ready to pour it out into the world. Let us embrace our role as clay in the Potter's hands and trust in His divine purpose for our lives.

Scripture Reference:

Jeremiah 18: 1-4

Galatians 5:13-26


Taking Shape - Holy DNA