Taking Shape - Holy DNA

In this sermon series, we've explored the powerful image of the Lord as the Potter, shaping us as clay. This imagery reminds us that God is sovereign and has a divine purpose for our lives.

The Three Clay Pots

God is shaping us as individuals, as part of the local church, and collectively as the global church. He is molding us to be like Jesus, reflecting His love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

The Holy Spirit: The DNA of the Clay

The Holy Spirit is the driving force behind our transformation. He sets the tone and direction for our lives, shaping our personalities, reputations, favor, and identity.

The Fruit of the Spirit: The Shape of the Clay

The fruit of the Spirit is the tangible evidence of God's work in our lives. When we allow the Holy Spirit to work in us, we will naturally exhibit these qualities, which will shape our character and reputation.

The Choice: Life or Death

We have a choice: to follow the flesh or the Spirit. The flesh leads to destruction, while the Spirit leads to life. If we choose to follow the Spirit, we will be known as a House of Life, filled with the fruit of the Spirit.

As clay on the Potter's Wheel, let us trust and obey the Holy Spirit. Let us enjoy and celebrate His presence in our lives. And let us reproduce the fruit of the Spirit in others. By doing so, we will become more like Jesus and fulfill God's divine purpose for our lives.

Scripture Reference:

Jeremiah 18: 1-4

Galatians 5:13-26


Taking Shape - Cracked Pots


Taking Shape